Friday, April 22, 2011

Creatine Monohydrate Info And Products

 A French scientist first discovered creatine in 1832, but it was not until 1923 that scientists discovered that over 95% of creatine is stored in muscle tissue. The first published report of creatine having bodybuilding effects was The Journal of Biological Chemistry in, get this, 1926! Although we've known about creatine for quite some time, the first real use of it to enhance performance was the 1992 Olympic games in Barcelona, Spain.

So, what is creatine? Our bodies naturally make the compound, which is used to supply energy to our muscles. It is produced in the liver, pancreas, and kidneys, and is transported to the body's muscles through the bloodstream. Once it reaches the muscles, it is converted into phosphocreatine (creatine phosphate). This high-powered metabolite is used to regenerate the muscles' ultimate energy source, ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

Creatine is 100% natural and occurs naturally in many foods; therefore, it can never be banned from any sports or international competitions (unless they banned eating meat). Many foods especially herring, salmon, tuna, and beef contain some creatine. However, the very best source of creatine by far is creatine monohydrate because it contains more creatine per weight of material than any other source.
2. What does it do and what scientific studies give evidence to support this?

Creatine is bodybuilding's ultimate supplement, and for good reason. For one thing, creatine can significantly increase lean muscle mass in just two weeks. It is also responsible for improving performance in high-intensity exercise, increasing energy levels, and speeding up recovery rates. It's no wonder athletes who use it have such of an edge over those who do not. Soon nearly every athlete who competes will use it (if they don't already). Creatine's ability to enhance energy reserves in muscles comes from its muscle protein synthesizing action, while minimizing protein breakdown. This occurs because creatine has the awesome effect of super-hydrating muscle cells with water. It enhances muscles' growth too-making muscle fibers bigger and stronger.

Quite a few studies have been done on creatine to figure out why and how it works so well. There have been over twenty double blind (meaning neither the researchers nor the subjects knew who was getting what), placebo-controlled studies conducted on creatine in the past five years. They proved that creatine increased energy levels, resulting in increased strength, endurance levels, and recovery rates. Another unexpected benefit attributed to creatine was discovered as well: creatine accelerates fat loss, while building lean body mass!
3. Who needs it and what are some symptoms of deficiency?

First, anyone who is ready to have more energy, build more muscle faster, and have more endurance should try supplementing with creatine monohydrate. Next, anyone who would like to be more toned by increasing lean muscle mass, recuperating faster, and losing that extra little fat roll should supplement with creatine monohydrate. Last, anyone who is involved in intense physical activity, experiencing physical stress and fatigue, and likes incredible results should supplement with creatine monohydrate.
4. How much should be taken? Are there any side effects?

Excellent results have been observed in taking creatine monohydrate in two different ways. The first way is called loading. This method works very well for anyone who has never taken creatine before. Just as the name implies, it involves loading up or saturating your muscles with creatine. During the first four days to a week, take 20 to 30 grams per day. Mix it with non-acidic juice or water. Grape juice works well. After this loading period, take a regular intake of between five to fifteen grams per day to keep your muscles saturated (no need to over do it). The other method is a more gradual approach to supplementing with creatine monohydrate. Over the course of an extended period, one basically skips the loading phase and just supplements with five to fifteen grams per day, everyday. The best results have been noticed when creatine is combined with a high carbohydrate base, such as dextrose (glucose) and taken about one-half hour before training.

The best part about creatine-no adverse effects have been reported in any studies. NONE! Creatine is totally safe and effective. Creatine has never been shown harmfully toxic. Nevertheless, just like with anything, it is not recommended to over-supplement once your muscles are saturated with creatine-there is no reason to. This means, stick to the recommended dosages, and be prepared to experience the very best muscle, strength, energy, and endurance gains possible!

Creatine Questions and Answers

Q: I heard that creatine and caffeine can be consumed at the same time. But an article I read claims caffeine inhibits the absorption of creatine into muscle tissue. Which is true?
A: There was a controversial research study published in 1996 in the Journal of Applied Physiology about creatine and caffeine; however, if you study that article closely, you'll find that caffeine had no effect on creatine uptake into muscle. A more recent study by Vanakoski, et al. in 1998 investigated the pharmacokinetics of caffeine and creatine, both alone and in combination. They reported when creatine was used alone or even in combination with caffeine that, "creatine was rapidly and efficiently absorbed, as reflected by plasma concentrations." Because researchers concluded that creatine was efficiently absorbed even when combined with caffeine, it does not appear from the results of this study that caffeine exerts a negative effect on the uptake of creatine into muscle tissue.
Q: I have heard conflicting information about cycling creatine. Should I or shouldn't I?
A: Some studies support creatine cycling and others do not. There are a couple of different "cycling" strategies you can try: 1. Stay on creatine all the time, but reload once every six weeks; 2. Load for a week, stay in your maintenance phase for six weeks, then stop taking creatine completely for a couple of weeks. Repeat.
Q: I mix creatine with my workout drink in the morning, but sometimes I don't actually finish it until several hours later. Is creatine stable in solution this long?
A: Creatine is not totally stable in solution, so it's definitely not a good idea to keep it mixed with liquid for days, but there shouldn't be a problem mixing it six to eight hours before it's consumed. Any longer than that and you may be pushing it.
Q: Is the loading phase with Creatine necessary to experience any benefits?
A: Necessary is a rather strong word. The loading phase is not required when using Creatine, but results of our university studies indicate that the loading phase helps you reach that magic muscle-creatine saturation point quicker than if you just started out with the maintenance dose. You can reach the same creatine saturation point by taking one serving of Creatine for 30 days as you would from loading for 5 days, but most people aren't interested in waiting a month for results they could see in a week or less.
Q: Are there any unfavorable effects with using Creatine?
A: Creatine occurs naturally in many foods, with an especially high concentration in red meats and fish. While using Creatine, you may notice increased urination, but this is simply due to the extra volume of liquid you'll be drinking when mixing your Creatine. If you do not wait three to four hours between doses, you may experience some stomach discomfort. This is easily resolved by spacing your Creatine dosages throughout the day or cutting dosages in half for one to two days.
Q: What is the advantage of taking creatine in a powder versus a capsule or tablet form?
A: Powder can be absorbed by the bloodstream more efficiently than a pill, which has a coating that must be digested first. Also, creatine is taken in gram amounts-which means, you'd need to take 20 1-gram capsules or 40 tablets per day to load. Needless to say, powder is much more efficient.
Q: If I'm trying to lose fat, should I worry about the calories in Creatine?
A: No. Creatine has no caloric value.


Friday, April 1, 2011

High Protein Diets : Are They Safe ?

Learn the 12 good reasons to avoid high protein diets!

As you know, there is a huge debate as to the effectiveness and safety of high protein diets. The points of views from the pro's may change as much as fashion, however this issue is here to stay. Read on to discover the opinions of 'Weight Loss Diet Issues Company Inc' and those of Jennifer Chailler and Fawnia Mondey.
WLDIC Inc's Opinion - In basic print
Jennifer's Opinion - In aqua

12 Good Reasons To Avoid High Protein Diets?

1. They violate almost every known fact about nutritionally balanced eating. For some dieters, these diets can even be life threatening.
What is wrong with good clean protein and high fibrous vegetables, no processed foods (like most people eat) minimum caffeine and frequent, small meals (helps to avoid overeating - at one sitting)?!
The known facts about balanced eating are what America is basing their food choices on and check out how many belly's vs. 6-packs you see each day.

2. Popular high protein diet foods are high in cholesterol and saturated fat, which are now established as major culprits in heart attacks and strokes.
This diet is very low in saturated fat and cholesterol.
Using unsaturated fats high in Omega 3, 6 and 9 essential fatty acids with a diet high in protein, will train your body to more easily burn fat for fuel. The trick is not use a diet high in protein and low in carbs as an excuse to gorge on greasy foods.

3. They overload you with protein, which results in loss of calcium from your bones, which may lead to osteoporosis. Protein overload also pressurizes your kidneys as they try to eliminate large amounts of urea, a by-product of protein metabolism.
Start reading up on the latest finding in 'Fitness RX' magazine (summer issue).
Also read Planet Muscle, Oxygen, Muscle & Fitness, Flex, etc... All the information you need to stay educated are within the pages of these publications. A few studies demonstrated then when protein intake was raised to 140 - 225g per day (for a male), excess calcium was lost from the urine at a faster rate then normal. However in these studies, calcium intake as well as phosphorus intake was restricted and not allowed to increase in proportion to the protein intake.
Since whole-food proteins contain both calcium and phosphorus and even protein supplements are fortified with calcium and phosphorus, it only makes sense that increases in protein intake are typically accompanied by increased dietary calcium and phosphorus. * In this scenario, the research has demonstrated that when taking in additional protein, there is actually a positive calcium balance and there are no adverse affects on bone calcium content. (National Academy of Sciences National Research Council 1989.Planet Muscle, Volume 5#3)
4. They forbid foods known to lower the risk of heart disease and many cancers.
What like dark green leafy vegetables don't help with that - spinach, broccoli, beans etc.
And cauliflower, green - red - yellow peppers, mushrooms, garlic and onions.

5. They deprive you of carbohydrates, the nutrient group most readily converted to energy. Even moderately active people will notice this lack during exercise.
True in some aspects, but like anything, your body will adapt and eventually the body's regular energy levels will come back. Yes carbohydrates are being depleted but for 7 days of your life, you aren't going to die. A nice 6-pack is worth cutting back on those things that make us fat don't ya think?
This is a short term diet, however we should all be eating less carbs, and could use more protein in each meal, especially at night to help retain a positive nitrogen balance. Cutting back on complex carbs, leads you to eating more protein, and fibrous veggies, boosting your immune system.

6. They deprive your brain of glucose, which it needs for normal functioning. The result is a slowdown in thinking and reaction time.
My brain seems to be functioning just fine.
How does eating a large bowl of pasta and obscene amounts of bread make you feel? Running 10K? My guess is after eating lots of sugar (bread for example) you will be ready for a nap. This diet has been easier then I thought and I am on day four.

7. They deprive you of the enormous benefits of fiber, which is a form of carbohydrate (cellulose).
There are excellent amounts of fiber in the vegetables listed in the diet, they are eaten at lunch and at dinner.
True, my system is working fine also. In terms of feeling satisfied, the first day I was so full from all the protein and veggie packed meals.

8. They are deficient in essential vitamins. Indeed, some high protein diets even require you to take vitamin supplements for the sake of your health.
Do you know of anyone who is sure they are getting all the required vitamins and minerals the body actually needs? Probably not and that is why most people I know take a multivitamin whether on a high protein diet or not!
We should all be taking a multi-V and if possible, Extra C, E, Calcium & Magnesium, B-Complex and Silenium.
9. They cause potentially dangerous changes in your body chemistry.
They help you to rid your body of that excess fat it is carrying around in the middle of the summer.
Carbs, like bread and pasta, are hard to digest, easily turn to fat, and cause you to gain weight. This can lead to depression, which causes you to take Prozac, altering your body's natural chemistry. I am not against Prozac or any anti-depressant, but I know we feel how we do, because of what we feed our bodies.

10. They run contrary to the latest World Cancer Research Fund Report, entitled Food, Nutrition and the Prevention of Cancer.
I do not see how clean, healthy eating can do your body serious harm, especially for only 7 days! I mean a Big Mac from McDonalds is more harming in one day than this diet is in 7 days.
I'd have to read this report. At this point I know a healthy person eating a high protein diet for 7 days will not increase their chances of getting cancer. When eating a clean diet, most people make better choices with regards to exercising each day, drinking more water and smoking less.

11. They deliver temporary weight loss. But a large part of it is water weight and lean muscle mass - not fat. (You lose water because your kidneys try to get rid of the excess waste products of protein and fat, called ketoses, that your body makes.)
How can my body be losing so much water when I am drinking at least 3L a day; a lot more than anyone I know. Most people don't even drink the recommended 8 glasses a day.
When you are eating a diet high in carbs (60 - 80% of your caloric intake) your body is less likely to burn fat for fuel. With a high protein diet, fat is what you are loosing as weight, plus excess water. When you are drinking 2 - 3L / day, this water is continually being replaced and toxins are easily being flushed out of your body.

Note: Weight gain is usually rapid when you go off the diet. - Not if you make it a continued normal eating habit: not so strict but just lots of clean protein and good vegetables and the ODD sweet or treat!
Much of the weight gain may be water when you start eating rice, oatmeal and of course breads and pastas. You won't gain all the fat weight you lost. By maintaining your workouts and smart eating, you will be able to keep much of the physique you worked so hard to achieve.

12. Finally, it's worth knowing that while your body burns up 23 calories for every 100 carbohydrate calories it 'digests', it only burns up 3 calories for every 100 fat calories it 'digests'. So a high-protein, low carbohydrate diet makes it easier for you to stay fat!
They are comparing fat to carbs. Where does the protein tie into the equation? This diet is not mainly fat.
I am wondering the same. As I mentioned before, this diet includes unsaturated fats high in Omega 3, 6 and 9 essential fatty acids. These nutrients are necessary for life!

  • The average Western diet contains TOO MUCH FAT.
  • That's why an estimated 1 in 3 American children are overweight.
  • That's why heart disease is the No. 1 killer in America and Europe.
  • We should be eating less fat, not more.
  • High protein diets encourage high-fat eating and - for this reason alone - should be avoided.
  • If you have the will and the desire to see those long lost abs, just give it a try. 7 days is not going to kill you. If you like how you feel, keep going. The results only get better!
Seven days of clean eating after years of abuse. A simple trade, worth trying, especially knowing the truth about the benefits about eating a nutrition plan high in protein.

Your Point Of View
As for your point of view, do some homework on your own. Carbohydrates are your body's best friend, but you have to use them wisely. Enjoy a balanced diet, completed with carbohydrates, proteins and fats at each meal, and you'll be on the right track.